Check-Up and Clean

What can I expect from a
Check Up & Clean?

Your dental check up starts with an initial consultation and usually takes around 40 minutes. In that time, we get to know you, put you at ease and allow the dentist to carry out a thorough evaluation of each of your teeth, along with x-rays if required. Your dentist will examine your gums and jaw bone as the foundation of your teeth to check for any signs of gum disease.

Check-Up and Clean

Oral Cancer Checks

Oral cancer checks are performed at each dental check up so that any abnormalities in your mouth early can be caught early so that medical treatment can begin as soon as possible. You can talk it through to get a complete understanding and decide upon what courses of action you’d like to take.

The Latest in Technology at Trinity Dental @ Alkimos

Your dentist at Trinity Dental @ Alkimos will use an ultrasonic instrument to clean your teeth followed by a nice polish to remove any surface stains.

Regular cleaning prevents any potential gum disease by eliminating the plaque build up on the teeth. Gum disease or gingivitis is the chronic swelling and infection of the gums and bone supporting the teeth. If the build up is not removed regularly, it can contribute to bad breath, loss of bone around your teeth and result in tooth loss.

Book an Appointment Today at Trinity Dental Alkimos

The good news is that gingivitis is reversible if it is diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Trinity Dental Alkimos provide expert dental care at affordable prices – Contact one of our friendly team now on 0862055033 or book here.

Book an Appointment Today at Trinity Dental Alkimos