Your Friendly Alkimos Dental Practice


Nitrous (happy gas)

What’s Nitrous sedation?

Nitrous sedation involves breathing in a blend of two gases through a mask that sits over your nose. Everyone is individual in how much nitrous is required to sedate them but generally, you have a feeling or relaxation and reduced anxiety when you get the right level for you. Nitrous is very useful for people who have a strong gag reflex or who have mild to moderate anxiety. It is particularly effective for children who require simple procedures such as one or two fillings or extraction of 1 or 2 baby teeth.

IV sedation or sleep dentistry

Many of us feel nervous, anxious and worried when it comes to any form of surgery, especially dental surgery. At Trinity Dental Alkimos, we offer an effective way to face this fear by offering patients conscious sedation. Sedation provides anxiety relief and pain control during surgery, especially during complex and long procedures.

What is Sleep Dentistry?

Sleep Dentistry is the use of intravenous (IV) sedation administered and supervised by a qualified and experienced sedation trained professional. It is often referred to as “Twilight Sedation” or “Conscious Sedation”. It is the most advanced form of dental sedation available and uses a combination of sedative and pain-relieving drugs to create a drowsy and dream-like state of deep and calming relaxation for the entire duration of your dental procedure. It is a modern, safe and highly effective technique that will make your visit to the dentist a relaxing, comfortable and enjoyable experience.

The Sedation

We take our time getting you to the proper, relaxed state. Don’t worry – the dentist will not start anything until you are properly sedated – you won’t even be aware of the injections in your mouth! Slowly and gradually, you will slip into a very pleasant, warm and relaxing dream-like state – not quite awake and not quite asleep. During this time you will be unaware of and undisturbed by the noises, tastes, sights and smells of the dental procedure, or of the needles, drilling or instruments in the mouth. There is no pain, no anxiety and no discomfort.

Although deep enough to be relaxed, comfortable and unaware, you are still able to cooperate with the dentist when asked. Afterwards, you will drift off again with no recollection of it ever happening. It is an amazing property of Sleep Dentistry that when it is all over, you tend not to remember any of it at all. You are left with a heightened sense of well-being.


This is the “waking up” period that takes place after the dental treatment is completed. During this time you will continue to be monitored by the sedationist. Recovery from sedation is usually fairly brief, although this too can vary from patient to patient depending on doses of drugs used, length of treatment, individual tolerances, sensitivities and metabolism.

Speak to a friendly dentist at Trinity today!

Trinity Dental Alkimos is highly rated for not only the quality of treatments but also the level of care provided to each and every patient. We are here to promote a better oral health experience for the local and wider community of Alkimos.

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